
DNA might be unique but our appearances are less so. Our faces and physiques are made up of a myriad little bits and pieces that combine to make us look the way we do. So it follows logically that we might have a few of those features in common with many others.

And it would also make sense that if we were to have many features in common with an unrelated other, there might just be enough for a very close resemblance to be noticeable.

Think of:

Harrison Ford and Nick Faldo;

Samuel L Jackson and Clarence Williams III;

John Howard and Mr Magoo;

So when a mate emailed me recently with news that I have a double out there on the web, I wasn't surprised. He sent an attachment as proof. Unashamedly kidding myself by expecting to see an image of maybe John Malkovich, or some other not-really-good-looking-but-still-very-attractive bloke in the early stages of middle age, I opened it up.No such luck. Instead, my doppelganger turned out to be:

Hardy fucking har. I find this most offensive and objectionable.

Bauhaus 93 and Benguiat Frisky should NEVER be used together.

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