Travelling North

I had just the one week back at work after an inguinal hernia operation laid me low for twenty-four working days. The surgeon had told me to take it easy. It probably won't surprise you to learn that I followed his advice diligently.

This morning we board a Virgin flight to Coolangatta for 10 days on the Gold Coast.

We'll be staying at Elanora, 25 minutes south of Surfers' Paradise. I'm looking forward to all of the Worlds but not the crowds we'll encounter there. TLOML will no doubt embrass me again by being the only woman I see without a tattoo.

Having been once before and enjoyed it, I can't bring myself to be too critical of the south Queensland tourist mecca. But that beach at Surfers' Paradise is treacherous. Ocean Grove it's not.

There is a handy shopping mall close by where we'll be staying so I'll try to sneak into the library and update this sadly neglected blog with tidbits of info about how we're going.

Enjoy the southern hemisphere Spring, wherever you may be.

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