There's Someone For Everyone...

This has probably been done to death all over the blogosphere and I apologise if it sounds a little too much like those lame did-you-ever-notice standups that used to top and tail Seinfeld. But how come really good-looking women often end up with blokes who are not particularly attractive? Why do women at the top of the food chain so often end up with blokes who look like bottom feeders?

I speak from experience here as my own situation is exactly that. And I’m not particularly rich or funny either, so don’t try that cop out. I’m talking about a match up of breath-taking disequilibrium. Where there is no reason apparent, even to the more than casual observer.

I’ve been meaning to ask TLOML about this. Just one of those things you never seem to get around to. Maybe I’m afraid of the answer. Maybe she’ll say, “Yeah, why the fuck DID I end up with you?”

Put it this way, when the odd tactless prick has half-jokingly asked “How did she end up with you?!?!?!” I have a prepared response. “Oh, I don’t know, looks, brains, wit…” Or when someone catches sight of a photo of her and says spontaneously, “She’s very beautiful” I respond with “Oh yeah, she’s alright I s’pose…”

But let’s put you in the picture, without showing you actual pictures.

Here are two famous people that TLOML resembles closely:

And here are two famous people that I resemble closely.

Does that give you an idea?

So why is it so?

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