I Wouldn't Mind If It Wasn't So Bloody Obvious

I don’t mind if these people rush to Alan Jones’ defence in the wake of the ACMA finding against him:

Well they would, wouldn’t they?
I don’t even mind if The Herald Sun ignores the too-obvious defence of Jones by the above in its online National roundup. Or if The Australian editorializes against ACMA’s findings on the basis of free speech needing protection and puts David Flint on its op ed pages to back that up.
Or Helen Coonan expressing dissatisfaction with ACMA and flagging changes to accommodate Jones and other coalition-friendly shock-jocks.

Well, they would, wouldn’t they?
I expect that.
But I just can’t stomach this bloke:not providing an alternative view to the forces he’s supposed to be in Opposition to.
That’s been left to The Age, and they’ve done it here and here.
As much as I wish Kevin Rudd well, I hope his advisors are getting in his ear about the electoral perils of "me-tooism".

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